Missed the 14th Edition of the #EvaluatePR Tweet Chat event?
Find the recap below.
Sophia Karakeva – @soka1605
Anthony Ifeanyi Elikene – @analuwe
Francois van Dyk – @sbalie
Chineze Amanfo – @redtrousers
Moderator: Damilola Joseph – @flynesdharme

Q1: Please tell us what you do and how you got there #EvaluatePR
A1: My name is Sophia Karakeva and I am the CMO at @DataScouting a software company that specializes in #MediaIntelligence Solutions. I have been in the industry for 18 years now and it never stops to impress me with the innovation & speed of development #EvaluatePR
A1: I am Anthony Ifeanyi Elikene, ANIPR. I studied Mass Communication from the Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State and I currently work with Dijo Communications, one of the arms of the Dijo Group conglomerate, I am the Senior Public Relations Consultant and Head the PR arm of the Group. I started as a journalist before becoming a PR practitioner. I worked with Logica Communications Limited, MarketingMix & Co. Limited, Metro Media Communications, BD Consult, Chain Reactions Nigeria (affiliate to Edelman), and Brandfit PR & Events, before joining Dijo Communications. #EvaluatePR
A1: I have been involved in PR for 27 years and #EvaluatePR for 17 years. I run operations at @OrnicoMedia and also serve as #proudly #africa International Board Director at @AmecOrg
A1: My name is Chineze Amanfo, I am a public relations professional and Media Strategist with more than 16 years of experience helping organizations communicate more effectively and efficiently. I have developed strategic communications plans, garnered extensive media coverage, coordinated special events, and a host of other communications activities as either an in-house or PR agency consultant. #EvaluatePR
Q2: What should PR pros do to maintain Reputation Management for brands and avoid crisis management? #EvaluatePR
A2: The key is to maintain strong brand management at all times, but at the same time to have a crisis management plan in place. Remember, not all negative reviews are a crisis. An immediate response is not always the best way to go. Social media listening helps determine what needs to be addressed. Being able to distinguish what’s a real crisis and what’s not, will help you protect your brand reputation. So, a using monitoring system- such as @DataScouting – brands can detect & monitor early warning signs of crises and thus determine the appropriate response. #EvaluatePR
A2: Plan. Plan. Plan. Evaluate different crisis scenarios #EvaluatePR – map the required process as well as all parties involved should a crisis hit. Reputation is critical and should not be underestimated. It is critical to act quickly and honestly!
A2: To maintain good reputation in any industry on behalf of your client, you must understand the dynamics of that sector. While some stunts may work in entertainment it might be disastrous in the business sector. For reputation, never wait till there is a crisis before building your reputation because what building your reputation in advance means is actually preparing to be in a better position to manage a crisis when it eventually comes. Many companies say they have no need for PR because they see PR as an additional cost. #evaluatepr
Is it really an additional cost? They only see the value when in crisis or situation. which should not be the case #EvaluatePR
This can also be explained as having little or no understanding of the value PR can add to the business objectives of the company #Evaluatepr
A2: Imagine going to a new town and nobody knows anything about you, assuming someone in the town spreads a rumour that you were a thief in another town, the propensity to believe that narrative is high because there is nothing to contest that claim. But imagine this, you go to a new town and you mix freely with the people, go to their church, their parties, throw your own party, and watch football matches. What you are doing is building your reputation. and it will be difficult for anyone to believe you were a thief in another town because they all feel they know you, they own a part of you from their experience with you. That rumour will die naturally no matter how muscular it is or how many pushups it does. Reputation building is far cheaper than crisis management. #EvaluatePR
A2: For crisis, always be forthcoming and timely with the truth. Many brands get into more trouble because they feel the truth will further hurt the brand but replacing the truth with a more palatable lie is worse. The downside to lying is when the lie is eventually found out, it has a more dangerous and costly effect on the brand or client. #EvaluatePR
A2: Building a positive reputation requires Discipline, Focus and an understanding of how the organization wants to be perceived #EvaluatePR
A2: To maintain a brand reputation and avoid crisis, PR pros must begin to think like a LAWYER, they should and must have a comms policies in place to avoid a crisis, investment in media listening tool cannot be over-emphasized & they must learn to anticipate trouble #EvaluatePR
A2: PR pros can avoid #Crisis and manage a brand effectively by making the ethical choice, be transparent, Invest in #monitoring tools, create consistent messaging for customer facing employees, be responsive and Create and Follow a Crisis #Communications Plan. #EvaluatePR
A2: Reputation of a brand matters a lot to the brand in question; therefore, its management is unavoidable. To maintain a brand’s reputation, a PR professional should understand the brand’s objectives and dot the Is and cross the Ts to something close to perfection. Do basic research about the brand, know brand’s competition, give concise insights, establish Credibility, go an extra mile to achieve #EvaluatePR
A2: Right expectations should be set as regards to Measurement and evaluation and a crisis management team in place to tackle anything in regard to crisis. #EvaluatePR
A2: Reputation management is an appealing concept for practitioners. It links public relations to the organization it represents, in doing so, it provides an opportunity for practitioners to take ownership of the whole risk-issues-crisis management cycle. Have a crisis management team and designate a crisis point person to handle potential crisis as they arise, social media is the brand image, Manage access to your social media carefully. #EvaluatePR
A2: People often forget this, but I also think that defining what a crisis would look like for the company is essential. You first need to ask yourself: in which instances do we need to hit the red button? #EvaluatePR
Jenny, I think most people fail to use a crisis mgt plan they design when the real crisis comes. I think fear and trembling needs to be controlled at first point of fit #EvaluatePR
A2. I strongly believe that PR practitioners must pay more attention to media monitoring, in order to keep track on how their brand is fairing, that way also, you are quick to know when crisis situation breaks #EvaluatePR
A2: I would recommend a good situational analysis (e.g. SWOT & PESTLE analysis), scenario planning and good internal & external monitoring tools. External monitoring tool cannot be over-emphasised, as this gives a third-party view and watch on the brand #EvaluatePR
This also helps organisations build strategies to mitigate vulnerabilities #Evaluatepr
A2: PR pros need to invest in M&E to learn from a previous crisis in order to avoid future crisis. Transparency should also be the watchword and well as honesty and integrity.
A2: Firstly, I believe there is need for effective communication between the client and the agency and the agency needs to play an advisory role for their clients in crisis management #EvaluatePR
Q3: In what ways can we effectively tackle bad PR in the media? #EvaluatePR
A3: Bad publicity is NEVER WELCOME. But how you handle it, that’s what makes you survive & thrive. #ArtificialIntelligence helps recognize potential warning sighs by analyzing online conversations. #SocialListening helps companies plan & publish appropriate content. #EvaluatePR
A3: So, I would also say, that a combination of #sociallistening & #monitoring #software (@DataScouting) is ideal for brands to prepare, detect & address bad #PR #EvaluatePR
A3: #EvaluatePR – you need to monitor media to know about bad publicity quickly. The most effective way to address a bad situation is to be honest. Admit mistakes (if true) and how you will rectify it. People are forgiving except when you try and ignore or not accept responsibility for mistakes.
The importance of media monitoring in PR and Crisis can and should not be overlooked #EvaluatePR
A3: There are many ways to do this depending on what the issue is, the strategy to use will be defined. But let us assume for once and skip that process. You can either be pro-active or reactive. One of the pro-active steps is the deliberate development of a strong media relationship with journalists. What I personally do is this – I made sure 98 per cent of all my Facebook friends are journalists that way I don’t miss out on their birthdays, even without gifts, calling and sending a happy birthday means a lot. I do the same thing at their anniversaries, child dedications, when they lose someone close, I empathise with them and visit when I can. Because the truth is, we are colleagues. Journalists hate deception, they might never forgive you if you lie to them. So what I do is admit that I have the information they seek but do not have the authorization to share it with anyone yet and offer them the first opportunity to access the information the moment I am authorized to make it public sometimes through sending to them a previous day before I share with others. They appreciate being treated well like everyone else. But in situations where there is negative content already out there you can rely on the media relationships you have built and utilise several tactics such as positive content saturation, bartering, both for dealing with digital media, and print. Don’t use rejoinders rather explore other angles not exploited by the negative content sponsors such as exclusive interviews, leaking authentic information that can tell your clients story better, conferences, press statements, press release, feature, etc #EvaluatePR
A3: It is advisable to Develop a strong brand culture, be prepared even before you experience any form of bad PR. But if unavoidable, you must take responsibility, be empathic, do not be defensive. Afterwards, kick-start emphasis on a positive track record, do not be hideous and provide updates. #EvaluatePR
A3: To effectively manage a Bad PR you must first Take a deep breath, Appoint a response team, learn to Always be honest and upfront, Acknowledge the mistake, then Create a positive message, Review and learn from the situation and Continue to #monitor the news, finally The court of public opinion doesn’t operate like real court does. #EvaluatePR
A3: If crisis does hit? First, breathe. Secondly, have people you can turn to, then respond to criticism, Simply put, be proactive, Keep people informed, Counter inaccuracies, then offer a written statement and finally Rebuild your firm’s reputation. #EvaluatePR
A3: Seek First to Understand The Situation.
Get Ahead of The Story. Be Proactive, Be Transparent, Be Accountable. …#EvaluatePR
A3: Develop a strong brand culture, communication should be effective between the C.E.O and Employees, in order to come out as a solid Brand. #EvaluatePR
A3: PR must be planned in such a way that you are ready for the doomsday, that way, you are being proactive… and you are not caught unaware. Media relations is also very essential in tackling Bad PR. #EvaluatePR
A3: By putting out good stories and making sure that the brand is known for honesty and integrity. #EvaluatePR
A3: Bad PR can be tackled by;
- Telling your brands’ side of the story if the bad PR is through.
- Increase the level of positive stories in the media.
- Increase the awareness of the brand in the media.
Q4: What is your convincing pitch for brands to see the importance of Measurement & Evaluation? #EvaluatePR
A4: While brands are obsessed with the need for effective means of #measurement & #evaluation, they lack confidence in it along with shortcomings in research techniques & proper use of data. A good starting point for brands would be to turn to @AmecOrg for education. #EvaluatePR
A4: #PR measurement is not a myth. And resources like the #AMECFramework helps companies plot their activities toward business outcomes #EvaluatePR
A4: #EvaluatePR Measurement & Evaluation are core to good strategic planning and PR. You need to do research before, during and after to ensure you create the correct content with the right message for the right audience – achieving the desired impact. Objectives are critical!
A4: There are three good reasons why PR measurement is crucial. The reasons are accuracy, efficiency and planning. While we may not be Spin-Doctors, we are doctors in our rights as prescribing the usage of a set of media. My client should know the audience reach of the prescribed media but more importantly, they should at the end of everything be able to appreciate the accurate outcome, not assumptions, of using that prescription, learn from it and decide whether to adopt it. Measurement demystifies over-rated strategies or media as you get to see the real X-rayed film. Without measurement, PR will continue repeating ineffective solutions and celebrating it because there is no other way of disproving its efficiency. The planning part enables the near accurate prediction of your next campaign, your next strategy, or your next media selection. PR is not and should never be synonymous to the gipsy or any kind of guesswork. #EvaluatePR
A4: We always inform and educate #PR and #communications professionals that #Measurement and #evaluation help you to identify those elements and make necessary adjustments and corrections in your PR campaign to achieve better results and also help to assess your past #performances to plan your future #strategies. It is critical for planning #budgets and setting key performance indicators. #EvaluatePR
A4: M&E is the new face of PR Campaign. It should be embraced. This will help you to determine the best metrics for measuring success and refining your strategy. #EvaluatePR
A4: For any brand that desires to do well, and even those that are doing well, the best way to keep their growth process and reputation intact, is to truly measure and evaluate their PR activities. #EvaluatePR
A4: As times have changed, I also believe brands should embrace change. Measurement and Evaluation has changed the face of the game and it helps you achieve your desired goal faster #EvaluatePR
A4: One of our convincing pitching to brand managers and PR pros is M&E helps Validate your PR efforts for achieving your organization’s objectives, helps in Making adjustments and corrections in your PR program and also helps Eliminate confusion and misinterpretation in PR data and strategy. Helps in making adjustments and corrections in your PR program and also helps Eliminate confusion and misinterpretation in PR data and strategy #EvaluatePR
A4: M&E can help evaluate all past crises which you, your competitor, or other organizations may have endured. The insights gathered can furnish you with some tried-and-tested tactics that worked in curtailing the damage and can be repeated in similar situation. One may argue that every crisis is different, and the solution cannot be pre-planned entirely. However, thanks to media monitoring, calmness can be maintained, patterns can be predicted, crisis management plans can be developed and responses can be given out before the crisis receives much attention and spirals out of control. Measurement demystifies over-rated strategies or media as you get to see the real X-rayed film. Without measurement, PR will continue repeating ineffective solutions and celebrating it because there is no other way of disproving its efficiency. #EvaluatePR
A4: M&E is the beginning and the end. It is not to be feared but to be embraced. It opens the brand to effective strategy needed to drive the media awareness and brand reputation.
A4: M&E is the way forward for the industry. It validates all PR efforts vis a vis organisational objectives. #EvaluatePR
A4: Don’t be worried about ROI, M&E will help you channel your business on the right angle, since it deals with the health of your brand in business #EvaluatePR
A4: It is a viable option to relate with brands and their exposure in the media. This grants the brand access to understand brand perception and provide outcomes that speak to bottom-lines of brands #EvaluatePR
Q5: One advice for PR pros that do not #EvaluatePR
A5: Understanding the entire #media ecosystem gives life to data. So, make sure you don’t exclude any channel from your #PR strategy. Eliminating any medium from your #monitoring can create blind spots and that’s ill-advised. #MediaInteligence #EvaluatePR
A5: You are not a PR “pro” if you do not #EvaluatePR – then you are just SOS’ing (Sending out Stuff). Start small – create SMART objectives and learn. There are great free resources via @AmecOrg such as m3.amecorg.com or amecorg.com/amecframework
A5: PR practitioners who don’t measure, evaluate it’s like Volkswagen expecting a race of comfort, speed, and efficiency against a Ferrari. Evaluation is PR’s evidence of being a jet-age tool beyond the dinosaur era. It should be a standard not a choice #EvaluatePR
A5: We know information is power, now if you don’t measure and evaluate how do you get the right information which will give you the power, so my friend measure and evaluate😃. #EvaluatePR
A5: Don’t fight what you don’t know, learn it. The knowledge of M&E is key to success in maintaining PR reputation of a brand.
“Don’t be a foe to M&E, be a friend.” #EvaluatePR
A5: Measurement and Evaluation is here and upon us, because If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. #EvaluatePR
A5: PR pros should take M&E from the last position on their checklist to the top – that way they will earn respect and seat in the boardroom. Because you can’t manage what you don’t Measure. #EvaluatePR
Q6: Could you kindly share your favourite Measurement & Evaluation quote?
A6: “We should all be encouraged by data, we should all be skeptical of data and we should all be empowered by data.” – @gojohnab #EvaluatePR
A6 #EvaluatePR “Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so.” – Galileo Galilei
A6 The true value of any report is analysis and evaluation, without M&E we tend to repeat mistakes and celebrate those mistakes because we don’t know better. M&E makes you a better PR person. #EvaluatePR
A6: Continuous PR measurement and performance evaluation, helps your marketing communications team develop the kind of PR success your competitors envy #EvaluatePR
A6: “What science has failed to notice is that the measurement has become more real than the thing being measured.” #EvaluatePR
A6: “My advice would be to measure, measure, measure. Obviously a final deep dive is absolutely critical for any campaign but to measure throughout the process, to be able to optimise your campaign in real time, is really important.” #EvaluatePR
A6: Pick the right Metrics, you become what you Measure, so make sure your Metrics reflect your goal. #EvaluatePR
A6: ‘It is not the amount of data – it’s having the right data with the right capabilities sitting on top of that” – Matt Sati
A6: In PR Measurement Never Say “Never”. #EvaluatePR
A6: There’s never going to be one size fits all [for measuring campaigns], but what we need is to understand that we have the tools and frameworks and best practice and expertise to draw on to make the very best measurement frameworks that are right for the activities at hand – @AmecOrg #EvaluatePR
“The goal is to turn data into information and information, into insights”. Carly Fiorina #EvaluatePR
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